Things Left Unsaid

Alessandro Hamuche
2 min readAug 5, 2023


Things left unsaid — I wanted to tell her all my crazy hypotheticals of life
Where my experience taught me to smile, when to share — I’m now gone
Our crossed paths to never overlap or find refuge in time, under weather
To no meaning at all I want to exclaim — there’s not much in mundane

Simply an expression of that which never changes, that which’s never held
That which I cannot tell, and finally, that which we do not understand yet
Tempt my fate again temptation, let me overcome more challenges!
To have withstood that which majority wouldn’t dare upon themselves

Let me take a short merit and give eternal help — let me bleed boldly
Horrify the horrifiers for them to deviate from the evil which is never far
Let me warn that inevitability is heaven, inevitability is this return
Far from those who do not dare believe — they blind each other in fear

Greatest classics retold each generation, each century, each millenia
Birth, life, death — rebirth been observed yet kept from us in writings

In this poem, there are several themes and tones that align with Buddhist principles and teachings. Some of the Buddhist tones in the poem include:

Impermanence: The poem touches on the impermanence of life and experiences. This aligns with the Buddhist concept of “Anicca,” which teaches that all conditioned phenomena are subject to change and impermanence.

Non-attachment: The speaker expresses a desire to detach from the mundane and transient aspects of life. This reflects the Buddhist idea of non-attachment (Anatta), where one learns not to cling to worldly things and experiences.

Acceptance of Change: The speaker seems to accept the inevitability of change and challenges, possibly referring to the Buddhist idea of accepting life’s ups and downs without resistance.

Karma and Merit: The poem mentions overcoming challenges and accumulating merit. These ideas are in line with the concept of karma and the importance of accumulating positive actions and merit in Buddhism.

Fear and Ignorance: The poem refers to those who blind each other in fear and warns about inevitability. This relates to the Buddhist understanding of how fear and ignorance can lead to suffering and hinder spiritual growth.

Rebirth: The mention of birth, life, death, and rebirth in the poem resonates with the Buddhist belief in the cycle of samsara, where beings undergo repeated births and deaths until they attain enlightenment.

It’s important to note that the interpretation of tones in poetry can be subjective, and different readers may find additional or alternative Buddhist themes in the poem. The poem seems to explore philosophical and existential themes, which often overlap with Buddhist teachings.



Alessandro Hamuche
Alessandro Hamuche

Written by Alessandro Hamuche

Allowing myself to be continuously guided by those values I cherished and cherish.

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