Joining the Army


Hey buddy,

Hope you’re alright. I’m fine. You will not be seeing me next semester. Have been dealing with issues — money, family, mental health… Decided to do something about it, I’ll be joining the army soon. I want to work on those values I hold in high esteem, and I hope discipline will become the path to reliability.

It will not be long, buddy, if I get the contract I will earn a steady paycheck for the next five years. That will be five years away from people who have been trying to make my life miserable. Five years away from you as well, buddy.

I miss us already. Tough decisions are a part of life. I read somewhere that said, “people are tougher than they seem.” I believe in you buddy, you’ll be great at whatever you set yourself to do.


your pal.



Alessandro Hamuche

Allowing myself to be continuously guided by those values I cherished and cherish.