Couch Potatoes
28/Nov/2021 04:17 — Hello journal. Another Sunday will rise in a few moments. I quite enjoy this particular day, it feels proper to me. Surely have some tasks to perform today. Maybe I’ll even account for some time to eat potato chips on the couch, who knows?
28/Nov/2021 04:20 — There’s no way to be certain, journal, anything can happen between now and the couch. As terrifying as it may sound, it does not stop me from exercising judgement this very moment. I am working on my to-do list for today… Am thinking: laundry; breakfast omelette with hash browns; exercising for 15 minutes… It’s a list, journal. Maybe I’ll exercise before breakfast and maybe do laundry after lunch.
28/Nov/2021 04:23 — Yes journal I know, I have not written “lunch” as a “do” on my list. Regardless, my list is never definitive; my list is a guide to the nearest future. Eventually, when I’m done exercising or having breakfast I’ll add more things to Sunday’s to-do list. Baby-steps, journal, baby-steps.
28/Nov/2021 04:25 — I quite enjoy those fifteen minutes I spend exercising. I practice mobility to try and get my blood flowing and my body happy. Sitting all day has really done a number on me in the past. One day I thought to myself, “enough with this nonsense, enough with these excuses.” I stood up and left my apartment, headed straight for the park. Spent fifteen minutes walking, pondering… By the time I got back to my apartment I saw the couch where I used to shove potatoes in my face. That angle where I stood from the entrance looking at the couch… Not sure what happened, journal.
28/Nov/2021 04:30 — What’s that word where one cannot express a feeling? Oh that might bother me today. Whatever, if it’s important I’ll remember to look it up later. So I looked at the couch and that in-expressible feeling came over me. I remember looking and imagining myself on the couch turning to see who had walked through the door. A stranger? Nay. The empowered future of that potato eater.
28/Nov/2021 04:33 — Yes journal, that was me then and this is me now. The past does not define me now, but may surely guide me towards improvement. Similar to this to-do list I write everyday on a sticky-note. It’s something else, journal.
28/Nov/2021 04:34 — Thanks, journal.